the News at Bonnyville

page was up-dated
June 29, 2019

Ch. Bonnyville's Above and Beyond
Pictured with Judge Heather Walker for a Group 2nd Ch.Bonnyville's Above
and Beyond also turned Judge John Hodgkinson head for Group 3rd at the
Monarch Kennel Club Dog Show. Well done Denny! |

Bonnyville's Rolling Thunder
Bonnyville's Rolling Thunder's second time out proved to be successful by
going Best of Winners under Judge Joy Hodgkinson for 4 pts. A special thanks
goes to his co-owner Judy Page for doing such a fine job training this
gorgeous male. Watch for Thunder (Ch. Bonnyville's Above and Beyond son) in
the up-coming summer shows.

Bonnyville's A Matter of Time
This pretty little bitch went Winners bitch under Judge John Hodgkinson.
Bonnyville's A Matter of Time will back out to capture her last 2 pts when
she coats back up this fall.

2018 |
Bonnyville's It's A Matter of Time turned Judges heads the past weekend at the London Canine Ass. Dog Show. We would like to thank Judges Ron Mahon (pictured), Brian Reid and Mr. J. Osborn for the awarded points. Watch for Dayna in the up-coming dog shows to gain her last remaining pts.

We have another "New" Champion added to Bonnyville Shelties! Ch. Bonnyville's Beyond Amazing did an amazing job this past weekend by gaining his last needed pt. towards his Ch. Title under Judge Pamela Bruce. I want to extent a special thank-you to his co-owners Art Fredeen and Sabine Cordes ( handler) for their dedication and expertise in getting Frankie in superb show condition.

We are pleased to announce that our "new" Ch. Bonnyville's Defender
finished with bang with a 5 pt. win by capturing the breed and a Group 2nd
under Judge Ole Nielsen. Way to go Darcy!

Bonnyville's Beyond Amazing turned Judge Rita Walkers head by going Best
of Winners and now has 9 pts. towards his Ch. Title. This beautiful blue
merle was handled professionally by his co-owner Sabine Cordes. Watch for
Frankie and Sabine at the upcoming shows.

We couldn't be more please with Bonnyville's Beyond Amazing. Co-owned with Art Fredeen and Sabine Cordes this beautiful Sr. Puppy took the breed and went on to capture Best Puppy In Group under Judge Lynda Saranchuk.
Watch for Frankie in the up-coming Spring Shows.

Bonnyville's Defender as a Sr. Puppy went BOB and captured a Group 3rd
under Judge Mrs. K. Grant at the Kent Kennel Club. Watch for Darcy in the
up-coming spring Dog Shows.

Bonnyville Nitelatches Nirvana, co-owned with Irene Latchford (Nitelatches), did it again but better by going BOB, Group 4th and BPIG under Judge Jo-ann Pavey. Thank-you again, Taylor Stevenson for professionally handling Carlee.

Bonnyville Nitelatches Nirvana, co-owned with Irene Latchford (Nitelatches), is following in her older sister footsteps (BPIS Ch.
Bonnyville Westdel Masquerade) by going BOW and BPIG under Judge Janet Lobb on her first weekend out as Jr. Puppy. We would like to thank Taylor Stevenson for professionally handling Carlee. Watch for Taylor and Carlee in the up-coming Dog Shows.

Ch. Nitelatches The Blacklist x Bonnyville's Mystic Moonlight
2017 |
BPIS Ch. Bonnyville Westdel Masquerade captured Best Puppy in Show under
Judge John Reeve Newson. " Pearl" is co-owned with Leslie Linton (Wesdel).
Thank-you Leslie for grooming and presenting Pearl so beautifully

Ch. Nitelatches The Blacklist x Bonnyville's Mystic Moonlight
2015 |
We have a new litter born June 26/15.
The litter consist of 5 sable males
and 2 sable females. This is a repeat breeding since we are delighted with the quality of the pups in the previous litter. To see the older siblings, view Ryan, Riley, Sabine and Remington on the News Page.
Show/Breeding and pet inquiries welcome.
Ch. Bonnyville's Gatekeeper captured his last few pts towards his championship title under Judge Cheryl Paterson at the Sarnia Kennel Club Dog show. The following weekend Ryan took a Group 2nd under Judge Dave Eadie. Watch for Ryan at the Shows this Fall. |
We are very pleased with the quality of the these two siblings.
Bonnyville's Milady Winter (Sabine) went Winners Bitch and her brother
Bonnyville's GateKeeper went Best of Winners under Judge Doug Gaudin. |
-and-Ryan-(BOW)-001.jpg) |

Ch. Bonnyville's Nautical Knight picked up his remaining points this spring by taking the Breed and as well as Group 2nd under Judge L. Paradis.
Pictured with Judge Diane Millar awarding "Bandit" his final points needed towards his Championship title. |
Our Beautiful Ch. Bonnyville’s Have a Little Faith (Faith) started her Show career with a Group 4th and finished with her capturing her Ch. title with a Group 4th under Judge Glen Stark. Many thanks to her supporters. |
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We are very pleased with the showmanship and movement of our latest star and champion. As a Jr. Puppy, Ch. Bonnyville’s Walk The Line (Riley), captured 12 pts towards his Champion Title by taking multiple Best of Winners, Best of Breed, Best Puppy in Group, Group 2nd and Group 4th in just 4 shows. Thank-you Judge M.Foulds, Judge H.Langfeld, Judge K.Francis, Judge M. Chaloux. Pictured with Judge Alvarez Marquez, Riley is awarded Group 2nd and Best Puppy in Group. |
This lovely sable bitch puppy, litter mate to
Ch. Bonnyville's Walk The Line, is on her way to her Championship title.
Bonnyville's Milady Winter is co-owned with Nancy Selinger pictured with Judge Doug Windsor. Watch for Sabine and Nancy in the upcoming summer shows. |
2014 |
As a "New" Champion, Remington in the very next show took Best of Breed as well as a Group 4th and Best Puppy In Group under Judge Tom Alexander. A big thank-you to Taylor Stevenson for a great job done. |
We are pleased to announce that Bonnyville's Remington Steel has captured his last points under the professional handling of
Taylor Stevenson.
Thank-you Judge Sandy Alexander putting up this gorgeous Jr. Puppy for his final pts towards his Championship title. |
We are so pleased with this beautiful sable bitch, "Bonnyville Have a little Faith". Under Judge Charles Bett she not only took the breed over specials but went on to capture a Group 4th for 4 pts more pts. |
Bonnyville Kennels was very successful at the Monarch Dog Show June 19-22 2014 |
We started off the first day of Monarch with a bang with Bonnyville Midnite Enchantment gaining her last needed point towards her Championship Title by going WB and then
Best of Opposite all 3 days. |
However her Blue Merle son Bonnyville Nautical Knight went BW over his mother for his first time in show ring for 3 pts. |
Thank-you Judge Michael Lanctot for seeing the quality in these two shelties. |

Bonnyville's Have a Little Faith did just that by stepping into the ring for her first time and capturing WB under Judge Patricia Lanctot while her little nephew "Remington" went BOW for his very first show and gaining 3pts. |
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Faith at 2 years of age |
Remington |
Pictured at just 6 1/2 mo. old Bonnyville's Remingston Steel went BOW for the second day entered under Judge Terry Cartier for a 5 pts major! While his sister Bonnyville's Sweet Valentine ( Nellie) went WB (3pts) under Terry Cartier. It was their official first time out for both sister and brother. What a way to start their show career! |
2012 - Archived |
30th, 2012... We
are excited to announce
our newest litter. We
have 1 tri female,
1 sable female, 1 sable
male, and 1 sable merle
male. |
September 18,
2012... Today we
said good-bye to our
sweet Nadia (Bonnyville's
Nautical Encounter) at
the age of 12 1/2.
One of the official
greeters here at
Bonnyville, she will be
missed by all her knew
13, 2000 - Sept.
18, 2012

By: B.P.I.G.
Archived |
26, 2012... A
new litter of puppies
here at
May 18, 2012 , A
new litter of puppies
here at